Pet Lizard People

Your home for tips and care advice

Pet Lizard People gathers the very best research on lizards and presents the information in a way that is easy for the whole family to understand. We know how important your pets are. You want to give it a happy, healthy home. Learn how here.

A crested gecko stands inside his food bowl on top of his food looking at the camera.

Lizard Species

Crested Geckos

Once thought extinct, these lizards are easy to care for and make popular pets. Their name comes from the fringed crest that runs over their eyes and down their necks and backs.

A spotted leopard gecko peaks his head out from a cork hide
Leopard Geckos

These perky reptiles are a favorite for beginner keepers because they are less difficult than many other lizards. Their colorful patterns of spots change over their lifetime.

Why Trust Us?

Our goal is to provide you with the most reliable information so you can make the most informed decisions for your pet lizards.

PetLizardPeople has team members dedicated to researching products, fact-checking content, and writing everything up. We only recommend products that we would use ourselves.

Dubia roaches crawl on the inside of a cardboard egg carton in a clear plastic container. The insects are in clumps, touching each other.
A crested gecko licks a lump of mashed-up banana and blueberries.
A crested gecko sits on the outside of a vibrant red-orange-yellow piece of fruit, head turned to the side slightly, eyeing the camera.
Three bags of different flavors of Pangea brand crested gecko diet (watermelon, growth & breeding, and fig & insects), a small bag of Zoo Med crested gecko food, and a container of Repashy crested gecko diet.